Thursday, April 2, 2009

Waking Up

Jonah is becoming a much better sleeper. He still doesn't like to sleep on his back but he sleeps in his car seat just fine. (The angle seems to be easier on his tummy.) Here's our current nightly routine:

I feed Jonah around 9:30pm and then let Ryan burp/change/ and put him down while I go to bed. (Jonah sleeps in his car seat in the living room with daddy while he studies.) Then when Jonah needs to eat (usually between 1-2am) Ryan brings him to me. After I feed him, Ryan burps and changes him and puts him back down to sleep. Then Ryan goes to bed and I'm on Jonah duty the rest of the night. Lately he only needs to be fed again between 6-7am so I get plenty of sleep.

Jonah used to have his party hour between 3-5am so my shift used to be pretty tough. But now that he eats and then goes right back to sleep, I've got it easy! We've decided that Ryan can now go to bed earlier if he needs to, and I can handle the 1-2am shift. We know it sounds crazy to the average person but you must understand that Ryan's internal clock doesn't get tired until after midnight, and he only needs around 6 hours of sleep! So this has been working well for us.

Here are two cute videos of Jonah waking up. (Or of us trying to wake him up!) I took him out of his car seat and laid him in the crib to help him wake up.


Stacy Pettersen said...

I love in the second one when he covers his ears like "Mom, stop talking, I'm trying to sleep!" He is a cutie!!!

Merilee said...

Too cute for words!!! Jonah is SO darling!!! Thank you so much for your wonderful updates. I'm glad to hear that you're getting more sleep now.:)

Becca said...

That is almost exactly how we split up "Emmy duty" when she was tiny. Brett is a night owl, too, so it was nice to get sleep when I knew I didn't have to listen for the baby. Things will just keep getting better!

Annie and Dan said...

SOOOO adorable, oh my gosh!!! I love all the video's you post, keep them coming. Thanks for stopping by the office while you were in Utah. It was great seeing you, Ryan, and Jonah.