Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This picture is almost a year old but I love it! Our bedtime routine begins by reading 5 verses from the Book of Mormon and then having family prayer. Jonah doesn't always stay on the couch the entire time we read but he's getting better. Last night during our prayer he wanted to hold our hands for the first time. (Daddy and I always hold hands.) Jonah then gives Daddy a goodnight kiss and we go to his room to read stories. I let him choose a few books (usually 4-5) and then we sit on the couch and read. After that we turn out the light and I rock him with his head on my shoulder for a minute or two and then lay him in his crib. And even though it's not ideal, I will often give him his sippy cup with milk if he wants it. Then I say goodnight and slip out. Last night after we turned out the light and I had just started rocking him he pointed to his crib and said, "bed." So I put him in his bed. Then he said, "milk" so I gave him his milk. And then he said, "bye bye." It made me laugh. Maybe it's me who just loves to cuddle before I lay him down. :) He is becoming quite the independent toddler! Here is a more recent photo taken before church two weeks ago. He konked out on the floor about 15 minutes before we needed to leave so I dressed him and did his hair while he was asleep and just had to take a picture:


Merilee said...

Too precious.:)

Stacy Pettersen said...

Nighttime routines are so wonderful! Ours includes some rocking as well, and that was most definitely my doing since Annabelle's never been a snuggler. She expects it now though, ha ha, Mommy wins!

Julie and Matt said...

That is so sweet. Bedtime routines work wonders.

jen said...

What a cute family! That is so sweet that he wanted to hold your hand during prayer. We missed you last night at cooking group. I hope Jonah is feeling better.

Tyler - Danielle - Emree said...

How cute! Isn't it funny how they start telling you what to do. Emree hardly waits for me to sing her a song. Most of the time she asks to get in her crib before it is over. I love it though. YEAH for bed time!

Jessica and Robby Curtis said...

I need to come visit you guys. I have not seen Jonah in way to long. He has grown.

Bethany said...

GayLynn, I am so happy to find your blog! Jonah is the CUTEST thing! I love the routine, so sweet. I wish Noah would snuggle with me at bedtime too. :)

Christi Ellis said...

Ahhhhh so cute his bedtime routine...and so hilarious you can dress himand do his hair without waking him!