Sunday, March 1, 2009

Jonah's Epic Adventure!

This is a video we put together today. It covers the time leading up to Jonah's birth and it has some clips from the rest of the day. Its about 10 minutes long so it might take a little while to load. This is another one that looks great fullscreen. Hope you enjoy it!


jribeira said...

We were so happy to be able to visit with Jonah on his first day on earth! He is perfect in every way. We love him so much already. Way to go Mom and Dad! The video montage is terrific- what a treasure.
Grandma and Grandpa Ribeira!!!!!

Christina said...

Loved the video. It was informative and fun to watch. Congratulations to all of you! I still have a few months to go, but I hope I handle it as well as you did.

DanandAmie said...

Congratulations! What a sweetheart!

Julie and Matt said...

Gaylynn, I am so proud of you. You were awesome at laboring. You were so relaxed and focused. How did the birthing ball work for you? Congratulations on a wonderful natural birth. I would love to hear about you birth story when you get a chance.
Jonah is so sweet. I just want to hold him. I can't wait for Jonah and Henry to be able to play together.

Stacy Pettersen said...

We LOVE this video! Oh, and I have to say it is so funny that everyone keeps "voting" on the birthdate after-the-fact (we did it too, I don't know why)! =)


Unknown said...

What a precious video! That was a quick labor. I'm just impressed by how calm and relaxed you look through all of it. Congratulations to you both! Jonah is adorable. He actually reminds me a lot of my little Peter, especially the full head of reddish hair. SO cute! Crazy how that was us four and a half months ago. Time sure flies!

Becca said...

Wow! I'm so impressed with how great you did GayLynn! I wanted to yell at Ryan for not being right by you helping you every second, but then I realized that the videos were like 15 seconds out of an hour and I forgave him. :) Best of luck with the crazy adjustment to being parents. It is so fun and SO worth it!!!

Christi Ellis said...

Oh my goodness this video is AMAZING! GayLynn holy cow you amazing lady you! Ryan thank YOU for all the footage too. You guys have SUCH an adorable baby. I'm in a computer lab trying my hardest to hold in my giggles from being SOOOO touched by his cuteness! Seriously the people on each side of me keep watching it too! Love you all. So happy to have another member of the family!