Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Whew...survived the first week!

We were released from the hospital Monday, March 2nd around 6pm and finally got to bring our beautiful baby home. We can't stop staring at him. Like most parents we are convinced that he is the cutest baby we've ever seen! And he is such a good baby! He's not much of a crier yet which we appreciate...he just grunts to let us know he needs help.

The first night went pretty well...Jonah ate every two hours and went right back to sleep! I was so excited! But then for a few nights he didn't want to sleep after his 4pm feeding...his eyes were wide open and he just wanted to play! This wasn't too surprising because he was always kicking around 3-4am when he was in the womb. But it was a little rough. For the last few days it seems like his sleep/wake cycle is on track, but the poor little guy has been having a lot of digestive problems. He's been groaning and straining whenever we lay him on his back. And we don't want to lay him on his stomach, so last night Ryan ended up holding him while he studied until 4am and then I took him until 8am. We had an appointment with our pediatrician today and she gave us some good suggestions. I'm going to try eliminating some gas-causing foods from my diet and we got a little tummy medicine for him. We've also had him nap in his car seat today and that position seems to work a lot better for him. I'll let you know how it works out!

The next two weeks are going to be crazy for us because Ryan has several quizzes and finals. It's just so hard for Ryan to focus because all he wants to do is play with Jonah! (And respond to all the recent comments on his blog.)

We feel so lucky to live close to both of our families. Ryan's parents came up Tuesday and Wednesday to help, and help they did! They cooked, cleaned, did laundry, and in their "spare time" they held and played with Jonah. =) Thank you Jill and Randy! And my Mom was here for almost a week (just left today) and she spoiled us with amazing meals, a clean kitchen, clean clothes, and open arms to take Jonah in the wee morning hours when we are just too exhausted to rock him back to sleep.

All in all, we are loving our new role as parents. We are tired but we know that these first few weeks are always hard. Jonah brings us many more smiles than tears! And he's just so darn cute that it's impossible to be mad at him (for long. =0)


Merilee said...

Oh my goodness! I LOVE all the cute pictures! I truly have the cutest nephews and nieces in the world. I can't wait for little Ashilene to meet all her adorable cousins!:)

Christina said...

We used to have Shyla sleep in her baby bouncer in her crib because she used to spit up a lot and we didn't want her choking. It looked funny to have her rocker in the crib, but it helped her, which in turn helped us too. You guys are doing great!

Stacy Pettersen said...

Congratulations you three! The 1st week was the worst for us, so hopefully it will only get better from here. For the record, I think Jonah looks like Ryan.

Jessica and Robby Curtis said...

Hi Gaylynn my husband told me about your blog. I was super excited to look at your super adorable baby. I think he is so cute. the pictures of him made me cry. Cute cute cute !!! I am excited for you and Ryan. Congrats. Oh I have a little gift for you. I keep forgetting to drop it by but I will soon. Hope all is well. Call if you need anything. oh by the way this is Jessica Curtis from the ward. :)


The Chipmans said...

He is such a cute combination of you and Ryan. Congratulations!