Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New studio and recent works

Now that Jonah is a big, strong boy it has been increasingly difficult to paint in the kitchen (as he can knock over my easel and get into paints, etc.) After researching studio rental costs I was discouraged until I found one studio owner who was willing to let someone work for the space. Here's my new downtown studio. Yes, it's dirty, but it's spacious and full of light!

It isn't a perfect solution but it's meeting the immediate need to allow me to work. We have a wonderful woman named Lidia watching Jonah on Tues, Thurs, and Fridays. She picks us up at 11am, drops me off at the studio, returns to our apartment to take care of Jonah, and then picks me up at 3:45pm. If Ryan doesn't have class he just studies in the library during that time. Jonah always seems to be content and happy when they pick me up which makes it easier for me. The biggest downside is the extra time I have to work on Saturdays to "pay" for the space. I've been gaining valuable experience but I hate being away from my family. I am power-washing, power-sanding, priming and painting one side of an apartment complex for the studio owner in exchange for my studio. It's hard work but I figure those skills will come in handy when we are eventually home owners! Here are some of my recent paintings:

OSCAR THE CAT--my very first animal portrait

JOHN AND ANGIE DAY--they were so pleased that they commissioned 5 more paintings!

MICHELE--this is a drawing/painting for an upcoming show.

I am so thankful that Ryan has encouraged me to continue with my art. We all make sacrifices for it but we feel it is worth it. I am now working on a portrait of Samuel Brannan for a special art competition sponsored by the California Pioneer Heritage Foundation. The painting must be finished in two weeks but I think I'm on track.


Julie and Matt said...

You are so talented. Every time I see your work I am impressed and amazed.

Mark and Shauna said...

Wow, can I just say that I think it is SO awesome that you continue to develop your AMAZING talent! Your pictures are SO beautiful!

By the way, I read your comment on my blog... YES! We need to all get together for a roommate reunion. It'd be fun to see our boys together!

Elise said...

So cool. I'm glad things are working out for you to have this creative outlet. Even with my smallish clay pursuits it makes me a happier person. Ok, now I'm going to have to watch Jonah licking the stove again because, c'mon--how can you not love that little chubby face and his giggle?

Merilee said...

GayLynn, your talent continually blows me away. That painting of the Days is incredible!!!! I'm so glad that Ryan is so supportive of you continuing to develop your talents. What a blessing.:)

Alisa said...

I was showing my husband your paintings (the cat, the couple, etc)...and he said, "What? What painting?!" He was convinced he was looking at photographs!!

Very very very beautiful! I hope you continue to post your artwork, so that I can brag about your talents to others!

As for Mexico...some day when we're'll have to come for a visit! We speak VERY VERY little Spanish (and I mean VERY little). Yeah...we need to work on that! (says the gal who hasn't touched her Spanish course in 2 months...)