Thursday, May 26, 2011

Family Photos

Moments before these pictures were taken, Jonah had a little incident. I had gone out to the car to grab a coupon so Ryan took Jonah on the escalator to keep him occupied for a few minutes. Jonah tried to climb up the descending escalator and tripped and got a nasty gash under his chin. I'm glad I missed the minute of intense crying that followed his accident. Jonah was very calm when I saw him and he was a trooper through the photo shoot. And fortunately you really can't see his chin in most of the pictures, though there is a minor discoloration on his vest. I'm counting these as Jonah's two-year-old photos, even though his birthday was three months ago.

Ryan needed some professional head shots so this was a good excuse for us to get family photos too. Here's my favorite of Ryan's shoot:

I never enjoy the thought of going and taking family pictures but I'm always glad when it's done and we have the pictures.


Julie and Matt said...

These are so cute. I love the picture of Jonah kissing your belly. so sweet.

JS Grame-Smith said...

Thanks for sharing your memorable picture and i like this way for sharing our moment with our friend and your child is also look cute.Thanks

romantic pictures

The Chipmans said...

These are so cute!

Alisa said...

How in the world do you look so amazing pregnant? I couldn't even tell you had a belly in the first I was shocked to see the belly-kissing photo (I looooooooooove it)!! You are sooo beautiful!

Merilee said...

I also adore the belly kissing photo. Super cute!:)

Tyler - Danielle - Emree said...

I love love love them!! Sad story about Jonah, but he is to die for in these pictures

Christi Ellis said...

You all are SOOOO cute together! Poor little Jonah! And what a great head shot of Ryan! Love you all :)