Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fun Times

I just love my little angel...especially during quiet moments like this when I can hear and feel him breathing on my chest and can enjoy his warmth, his smell, and his occasional sighs of contentment.

My new favorite game to play with him is the "hokie pokie." We don't have a video of it yet but I love to sing and dance with him. Many mornings after he is fed I just put on some music and we dance together in the living room. I know he won't remember dancing with momma but I will always treasure these times.

Ryan also loves his little angel...especially when Jonah is in what we like to call, "Jonah Party Time" mode. Ryan takes him all around the house checking out every painting, picture, and mirror in the house, helps him fly like a super hero (one of my personal favorites), and tries to read him stories.

The key word here is tries!

When Jonah gets fussy we have discovered a fail proof, insta-happy Jonah maker: The Bouncy Ball, a.k.a. Jonah's happy place. No matter how unhappy he is, the bouncy ball works like magic to bring back our calm, happy baby...every time!

(Thank you, Julie, for mentioning how much Henry likes to be bounced on the birthing's wonderful!)


Julie and Matt said...

I'm so glad he loves it. He is so precious. It was so much fun to see you guys when you were in Salt Lake.

Stacy Pettersen said...

Exercise ball... brilliant! I never thought of that. Well, I know I will be using mine with the next baby. =) Keep it up with the books, Annabelle didn't like them much at first either.

Can't wait to see you in just a week!!!

Rojohn said...

Hooray for Jonah updates and pics of Mommy and Jonah!!! I just love reading and seeing pics and videos about your adventures as parents -- it gets me so excited for the adventures awaiting Rojohn and I -- only 5 weeks to go!!!! Can't wait to see you all next week!:)

Allison Murray said...

I can't get over the fact that you have a kid and how cute he is! well done!

Jessica and Robby Curtis said...

Jonah is so cute!!! ;)

Sarah said...

He is so cute! I've been meaning to comment on your blog forever, but never get the chance (and now I am finally adding you to my sidebar too...terrible friend, sheesh, you'd think I'd have it done already).

Oh, and just so you know, they DO remember the dancing and singing. Asher went with me every time I went to my Jazzercise class from the like he was 2 months until he was able to walk (around 15 months, and then a few times here and there after that) and he STILL talks about it. I think that's where he got some of his dance moves.